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How Do Dapoxetine Tablets Work in the Body?

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for transmitting nerve impulses throughout the body. This also includes nerve impulses that cause a man to ejaculate. Dapoxetine prevents the reuptake of serotonin which allows it to remain active in the body for longer. Increasing the activity of serotonin in the nervous system helps to increase the time it takes to ejaculate and improves control over ejaculation.

How to Use Dapoxetine Tablets

One tablet should be taken between one and three hours before sexual activity is anticipated. It can be taken with or without food, whole and with a glass of water. You should not take this medication more than once every 24 hours. It should also only be taken as needed and not on a daily basis. The recommended dose is a single 60 mg tablet.

Contraindications Associated with Dapoxetine Tablets

Do not take this medication if you have used any recreational drugs such as ecstasy, ketamine, LSD, poppers or benzodiazepines. People with significant heart problems must also avoid this medication as well as anyone with a history of fainting. Any person suffering with personality disorders, such as bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia, mania or hypomania or severe depression should avoid this medication too. Avoid dapoxetine if suffering with epilepsy, decreased kidney or liver function or lactose intolerance.

Are There Side Effects When Using Dapoxetine Tablets?

Although infrequently observed, the following are some of the possible side effects:

  • Dizziness and nausea
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety and irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty sleeping

This is not a full list, however, the side-effects associated with this medication are regarded as minor and very well tolerated.

Treat Premature Ejaculation with Dapoxetine from our UK Website!

Buy dapoxetine in the UK online today for the effective treatment of premature ejaculation. This medication treats this distressing medical condition in a fast and effective manner, allowing men to once more enjoy a fulfilling sex life.

Last Reviewed: 10th July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025

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